First off, does anyone find it weird how cemetery is spelled? It feels like it should be pronounced seh-meh-terr-ee rather than seh-meh-tare-ee.
Anyways, cemetery road is almost an entire mile... one way. My route involves me going to the end of cemetary road and back. While that doesn't sound like much to some of you, it gets kind of boring and takes more time than my other routes.
This route is good for endurance.
I have logged this route today on my MapMyRun. I really like that site. It's great for keeping track of such exercise stuff AND I get to see what my friends are doing in regards to walks, jogs, and bike rides.
I actually have a fitness fanatic that I follow on there and she logs almost every day. Way more than I do. It's awesome to see because it reminds me to get out and go.
Stay Awesome!
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Monday, September 8, 2014
Saturday, September 6, 2014
So normally my weekend workouts I've decided will involve yoga. And todays did, it honestly did. Just like 5 minutes this morning, but it did.
The bulk of my weekend exercise? I went out and played Frisbee. This may start being a thing that happens a lot.
The reasoning for this? If it's sunny and beautiful out on a weekend that means Darrel is home and we both want to go outside and we both love Frisbee. I have two frisbees. One is heavier (the one we used today) and the other is lighter.
Last time we played frisbee, we broke Darrel's frisbee, might have something to do with us using the heavier one this time, simply due to the fact that it's also more flexible.
I highly, highly recommend adding frisbee as part of your exercise regimen. Find a field and a friend or two and throw it. The only rules is that you have to try to catch it, that means running and jumping. And if all of you are just too good that you can all throw straight at each other and catch it with ease, aim over their head on purpose or to the side.
Or get a whole bunch of people and play ultimate frisbee.
The bulk of my weekend exercise? I went out and played Frisbee. This may start being a thing that happens a lot.
The reasoning for this? If it's sunny and beautiful out on a weekend that means Darrel is home and we both want to go outside and we both love Frisbee. I have two frisbees. One is heavier (the one we used today) and the other is lighter.
Last time we played frisbee, we broke Darrel's frisbee, might have something to do with us using the heavier one this time, simply due to the fact that it's also more flexible.
I highly, highly recommend adding frisbee as part of your exercise regimen. Find a field and a friend or two and throw it. The only rules is that you have to try to catch it, that means running and jumping. And if all of you are just too good that you can all throw straight at each other and catch it with ease, aim over their head on purpose or to the side.
Or get a whole bunch of people and play ultimate frisbee.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Tennis Warm-Up Jumps and Minute Sprints
I'm glad I didn't delete this blog. It means I can use it for gym class and actually explain to people the whole workout aspect. Huzzah!
So for 9/4/14 I did a series of Minute Sprints.
Minute sprints are when you choose a basic activity, such as curlups or pushups, and do them continuously for one minute. After each minute I give myself a minute of rest.
Because I'm lame today and spent too much time on the interwebs I'm only doing ten minutes worth of workout today.
It looks like this:
1. Tennis Jumps
2. Breathe
3. Curlups
4. Breathe
5. Pushups
1-5 two times
Some of you may not know what Tennis Jumps are, probably because that's not the right term for them, but Tennis Jumps are short jumps back and forth, up and down, and side to side.
So for 9/4/14 I did a series of Minute Sprints.
Minute sprints are when you choose a basic activity, such as curlups or pushups, and do them continuously for one minute. After each minute I give myself a minute of rest.
Because I'm lame today and spent too much time on the interwebs I'm only doing ten minutes worth of workout today.
It looks like this:
1. Tennis Jumps
2. Breathe
3. Curlups
4. Breathe
5. Pushups
1-5 two times
Some of you may not know what Tennis Jumps are, probably because that's not the right term for them, but Tennis Jumps are short jumps back and forth, up and down, and side to side.
Saturday, March 8, 2014
3/8/14 I Love Jumping Jacks
Today I stayed pretty simple because I took a little hiatus.
I did The Basics. And because my room was a tad to messy, I did them downstairs!
Then I just started doing Jumping Jacks. I love them! I even remember enjoying them as a kid. Plyometrics are totally going to be my specialty.
I even decided instead of doing exercise straightaway in the morning, because I don't want to wake up my older sister, i am choosing to do about 20 jumping jacks.
This way I get my blood flowing quickly and quietly. :)
Saturday, March 1, 2014
3/1/14 even more confusion
Talk about confusion! Today also had a couple confusing exercises, but I did some of them correctly.
The exercise today involves the use of dumbbells, smaller are usually better for the magazine exercises because it makes sure that you can execute it correctly.
The first one I did correctly was the rotating sculptor. To do this one, you squat while raising one weight in the air and letting the other one hang down. Make sure you twist and look up at the one in the air. It kind of makes one resemble a windmill.
The second one I did correctly is the step off. This one was pretty fun to do. So in the rotating sculptor your arms created a vertical line. In this one, it will create a horizontal one. Basically you curtsy as you spread out your arms to the sides, still holding the weight.
The last correct one I did was the biceps balancer. It's a lunge where you bring the weights up to your chest.
I also did The Basics, minus the curl ups. My sister is home so I couldn't exercise in the room because it squeaks too much so I went out into the living room and I don't like the floor there so I didn't do any lay or sit down style exercises.
I can't wait until the spring time when I get to exercise outside in the grass!
Friday, February 28, 2014
2/28/14 Confusion
(Just so you all know, I did do a little bit of exercise in the two previous days, but I didn't have the time to blog about it.)
So, today the magazine exercise I chose really confused me. I'll give a super mega basic run down, but yeah. Eventually I'm going to get myself a personal trainer (so I can see what it's like to be on the client side of things) and ask them how these are done.
The first thing was for "show off shoulders" and was called "Wax on, Wax off."
The second thing was for a "butt dimple" and was called "Knee side plank."
The third thing was for "wowza arms" and was called "Rainbow raise"
The fourth thing was for "A perky butt" and was called "Plow"
The fifth thing was for "amazing abs" and was called "Floor Press"
And the sixth and final thing was for "gorgeous legs" and was called "reverse toe tap"
I have no idea how to do them. I made really pitiful attempts and then just went to The Basics.
I did get a workout though, and I did sweat, so I feel I did something.
Have a great exercise today!
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So, today the magazine exercise I chose really confused me. I'll give a super mega basic run down, but yeah. Eventually I'm going to get myself a personal trainer (so I can see what it's like to be on the client side of things) and ask them how these are done.
The first thing was for "show off shoulders" and was called "Wax on, Wax off."
The second thing was for a "butt dimple" and was called "Knee side plank."
The third thing was for "wowza arms" and was called "Rainbow raise"
The fourth thing was for "A perky butt" and was called "Plow"
The fifth thing was for "amazing abs" and was called "Floor Press"
And the sixth and final thing was for "gorgeous legs" and was called "reverse toe tap"
I have no idea how to do them. I made really pitiful attempts and then just went to The Basics.
I did get a workout though, and I did sweat, so I feel I did something.
Have a great exercise today!
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Tuesday, February 25, 2014
2-25-14 Core Challenge
Gotta love lemon water :) It helps so much in keeping you hydrated but still getting a good amount of flavour.
Well, today I used what the magazine called the core challenge which I am not going to give a different name because wow it's a great description! There weren't any curlups on this list but boy did my core get a workout!
Of course, I did a little bit of jogging first, to the tune of Danza Kuduro!
Afterwards I started the "core" part of my exercise. So this is how the core challenge works:
They want you to do every exercise in order for a minute and repeat twice.
1. This first step is called the jackknife, which I think I may have done wrong. Helps to have a picture in front of you. Although according to I did it correctly.
I'll start creating pictures of the exercises when I start my Ace Fitness Training
Anyways, the jackknife is where you lie down face-up, your arms should lay above your head and your legs are extended flat in front of you (This method of laying down is also in number 3)
Then you crunch upwards. If you've ever done a v-sit, it's like that, except you lift your arms to intersect with your legs. (Your arms should be almost horizontal while your legs should be vertical.) And then lower.
2. This second step is called scissors, but it's not like the scissors I did in elementary school. For this one you lay face-up on your back with your hands under your butt, but your arms at your sides. Then you raise your legs 6-12 inches into the air, with your feet as wide apart as your shoulders. Here's the part that's different for me, but makes sense. You cross your right foot over your left. Then you open up your legs again. Then you cross left over right and continue alternating your legs like that. See? Makes sense.
3. Alright, so now we're on to the third step - the sit-up. The one in the magazine works like this: Repeat how you were laying down in step one. Then keep your feet down on the floor and raise your core and arms up to a sitting position, so you make a right angle. Then lower back down.
4. Lastly, they want you to do what's known as a superwoman.The superwoman is pretty much the locust pose in yoga, except your arms are in front of you rather than along your back.
So the picture to the left is the superwoman. Basically you lay facedown, with arms in front of you, and lift your legs, arms, and part of your chest up off the ground. It's more of a workout than you'd think.
Again, each exercise is a minute long, and you want to repeat the entire thing twice.
I will most likely add the rest of the music I used for this exercise laters.
In the meantime... After I did the core challenge I incorporated The Basics, plus I did some jumping jacks. I'll link the song party rock by lmfao here laters, but that song is SUPER good for jumping jacks and jogging!
Have a great exercise today!
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Well, today I used what the magazine called the core challenge which I am not going to give a different name because wow it's a great description! There weren't any curlups on this list but boy did my core get a workout!
Of course, I did a little bit of jogging first, to the tune of Danza Kuduro!
Afterwards I started the "core" part of my exercise. So this is how the core challenge works:
They want you to do every exercise in order for a minute and repeat twice.
1. This first step is called the jackknife, which I think I may have done wrong. Helps to have a picture in front of you. Although according to I did it correctly.
I'll start creating pictures of the exercises when I start my Ace Fitness Training
Anyways, the jackknife is where you lie down face-up, your arms should lay above your head and your legs are extended flat in front of you (This method of laying down is also in number 3)
Then you crunch upwards. If you've ever done a v-sit, it's like that, except you lift your arms to intersect with your legs. (Your arms should be almost horizontal while your legs should be vertical.) And then lower.
2. This second step is called scissors, but it's not like the scissors I did in elementary school. For this one you lay face-up on your back with your hands under your butt, but your arms at your sides. Then you raise your legs 6-12 inches into the air, with your feet as wide apart as your shoulders. Here's the part that's different for me, but makes sense. You cross your right foot over your left. Then you open up your legs again. Then you cross left over right and continue alternating your legs like that. See? Makes sense.
3. Alright, so now we're on to the third step - the sit-up. The one in the magazine works like this: Repeat how you were laying down in step one. Then keep your feet down on the floor and raise your core and arms up to a sitting position, so you make a right angle. Then lower back down.

So the picture to the left is the superwoman. Basically you lay facedown, with arms in front of you, and lift your legs, arms, and part of your chest up off the ground. It's more of a workout than you'd think.
Again, each exercise is a minute long, and you want to repeat the entire thing twice.
I will most likely add the rest of the music I used for this exercise laters.
In the meantime... After I did the core challenge I incorporated The Basics, plus I did some jumping jacks. I'll link the song party rock by lmfao here laters, but that song is SUPER good for jumping jacks and jogging!
Have a great exercise today!
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Monday, February 24, 2014
2-24-14 Never Skip Leg Day
Don't skip leg day is a meme around the net where people who "skip leg day" have disproportionately smaller leg muscles to, well, the rest of their body and it looks pretty silly. Give it a google.
I named my post that because the exercise I did today, entitled "Leighton's Cardio Workout" is focused on cardio for toning your legs. I have self-named it "Gym Class Leg Exercises" because it reminds me of the exercises we did in gym. Let me break it down for you.
1. First you do butt kickers. Don't know what those are? They're where you jog hard and kick your feet up to your behind every step. Gym class. Anyways, it has you do it for 30 seconds, rest for ten, and repeat for a total of three times.
2. Next is the high knees. Unaware of this one? It's similar to the butt kickers except instead of kicking your legs behind you, you kick them in front, raising your knees as close to your chest as you can every step. Again, this one has it for 30 seconds and then stopping for ten, for a total of three times repetition.
3. Now this one is a little bit different, but still something I did in gym class. Skyscraping Skips. You start with one foot behind, one in front and literally skip, except you make the foot coming forward into a high knee, but you also raise your arm (same one as the knee in the air) above your head. It's a little odd but it works. It wants you to do this for thirty seconds.
Then, it wants you to start the whole exercise over.
4. After going through steps 1-3 again, now you do fancy feet. Which I've seen people do in tennis. Create a thin line, either with rope or tape or chalk, doesn't matter. Then you want to take quick steps, or as the directions say "start by stepping your left foot a little over the line, bring the right foot to meet the left, step left foot back, then right foot." Aka, take little steps over the line very fast. It wants you to do this one for a minute, then rest for ten. Afterwards it wants you to switch which foot steps over the line first and do it one more time.
So after I did this exercise, I did The Basics.
It was a pretty cool workout and I did have a playlist which I may add a little later, but right now I'm tired and need to shower.
Have a great workout today!!
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I named my post that because the exercise I did today, entitled "Leighton's Cardio Workout" is focused on cardio for toning your legs. I have self-named it "Gym Class Leg Exercises" because it reminds me of the exercises we did in gym. Let me break it down for you.
1. First you do butt kickers. Don't know what those are? They're where you jog hard and kick your feet up to your behind every step. Gym class. Anyways, it has you do it for 30 seconds, rest for ten, and repeat for a total of three times.
2. Next is the high knees. Unaware of this one? It's similar to the butt kickers except instead of kicking your legs behind you, you kick them in front, raising your knees as close to your chest as you can every step. Again, this one has it for 30 seconds and then stopping for ten, for a total of three times repetition.
3. Now this one is a little bit different, but still something I did in gym class. Skyscraping Skips. You start with one foot behind, one in front and literally skip, except you make the foot coming forward into a high knee, but you also raise your arm (same one as the knee in the air) above your head. It's a little odd but it works. It wants you to do this for thirty seconds.
Then, it wants you to start the whole exercise over.
4. After going through steps 1-3 again, now you do fancy feet. Which I've seen people do in tennis. Create a thin line, either with rope or tape or chalk, doesn't matter. Then you want to take quick steps, or as the directions say "start by stepping your left foot a little over the line, bring the right foot to meet the left, step left foot back, then right foot." Aka, take little steps over the line very fast. It wants you to do this one for a minute, then rest for ten. Afterwards it wants you to switch which foot steps over the line first and do it one more time.
So after I did this exercise, I did The Basics.
It was a pretty cool workout and I did have a playlist which I may add a little later, but right now I'm tired and need to shower.
Have a great workout today!!
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Sunday, February 23, 2014
The Basics
That's now what I'm calling my set of curlups, pushups, and jogging. I do them most often, so for me, I did two sets of the basics today. They lasted longer than you'd think.
Tomorrow I won't just be doing the basics, no, I have a TON of exercises from magazines that I just can't wait to try and use. I've tried a couple of them before but then I kind of forgot about my stash of fitness variety.
Tomorrow, you will get to hear about really cool exercises. Same with basically hopefully from now on.
I mean, I'm still going to do The Basics, but I'm going to involve other stuff as well.
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Tomorrow I won't just be doing the basics, no, I have a TON of exercises from magazines that I just can't wait to try and use. I've tried a couple of them before but then I kind of forgot about my stash of fitness variety.
Tomorrow, you will get to hear about really cool exercises. Same with basically hopefully from now on.
I mean, I'm still going to do The Basics, but I'm going to involve other stuff as well.
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Saturday, February 22, 2014
2-22 Taking it Easy
Just so you all know, on the 19th I was not a lazy buns. I went mall walking with my mother, which is actually exercise. Constant movement for hours? Oi!
But for the next couple days I fell into a pit and did not do much of anything. (Like, on the 20th, I literally spent most of the day in bed. Yikes!)
But today I did about 20 minutes of exercise. Mostly light jogging, but also some jumping around and going up and down the stairs quickly.
I really need a gym membership once this snow stops chilling around. XD
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But for the next couple days I fell into a pit and did not do much of anything. (Like, on the 20th, I literally spent most of the day in bed. Yikes!)
But today I did about 20 minutes of exercise. Mostly light jogging, but also some jumping around and going up and down the stairs quickly.
I really need a gym membership once this snow stops chilling around. XD
Love you all!
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Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Nothing like a good walk!
It's so beautiful outside! At least for a winter day, that is. The sun is shining, the snow is melting, and the roads are almost clear of snow.
What does that mean for me and this blog?
It means it's nice enough out to go for an honest to goodness walk outside. I went with my younger sister, who was home for a little bit.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
2-12-14 "Warm-up"
So yesterday I didn't do anything because, well, I didn't have to. I mean, I want to exercise everyday but it's smart to have a rest in there every once in awhile.
Also, I had a piece of work I needed to get done.
I really shouldn't skip my exercise though... It tends to help with my mood later on. So I'll remember that next time I have a lot of work to do. Like today.
Speaking of today...
Warm-up. Now you might want to know why this is the title. Well. It's cold in my room. So this morning I was just laughing about how this part is called the warm-up and I literally spent the warm-up trying to, well, warm up! Stretching and walking and such as usual. I did my warm up to the song Starstruck (The one with Katy Perry)
The main course of my exercise, as usual, included curlups and pushups. I should really learn to add more variety but I wanted to keep my exercise quick because I have a ton of work to do. I also did a little bit of weightlifting. Linkin Park's "Burn it Down" helped me through this section, but it would've been better as a cool down song.
Speaking of cool downs, Mostly walking, again. I know, I know, dat variety there... But hey, it's not like I go to a gym or anything. It would be cool to, though. Anyways the song I listened to for my cool down was We R Who We R by Kesha.
And yes, I linked all the official Music Videos for each, for your convenience. :)
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Also, I had a piece of work I needed to get done.
I really shouldn't skip my exercise though... It tends to help with my mood later on. So I'll remember that next time I have a lot of work to do. Like today.
Speaking of today...
Warm-up. Now you might want to know why this is the title. Well. It's cold in my room. So this morning I was just laughing about how this part is called the warm-up and I literally spent the warm-up trying to, well, warm up! Stretching and walking and such as usual. I did my warm up to the song Starstruck (The one with Katy Perry)
The main course of my exercise, as usual, included curlups and pushups. I should really learn to add more variety but I wanted to keep my exercise quick because I have a ton of work to do. I also did a little bit of weightlifting. Linkin Park's "Burn it Down" helped me through this section, but it would've been better as a cool down song.
Speaking of cool downs, Mostly walking, again. I know, I know, dat variety there... But hey, it's not like I go to a gym or anything. It would be cool to, though. Anyways the song I listened to for my cool down was We R Who We R by Kesha.
And yes, I linked all the official Music Videos for each, for your convenience. :)
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Monday, February 10, 2014
2-10-14 Exercise and Decision
So I haven't done twice daily for awhile, and seriously my schedule doesn't allow it. So for all of you that are like "whatever happened to sticking with your goals..." There are some goals that just don't fit sometimes. So instead I'm changing it to once daily, which is probably a lot better for me anyways.
It's going to be in the morning, right after I get up.
Today's exercise was a shorter one, because I literally just laid there in bed for an hour and a half trying to make my mind work better. Twas a rough morning. I think I might be allergic to my cats.
So for the warm-up I used the song "I gotta feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas. It was just a lot of stretching and jogging, with some movement to the music. The point of a warm-up is to get you limber and so that's what I was.
For the main exercise the song "Titanium" by David Guetta was the soundtrack. I think starting tomorrow I'll link the Vevo Videos of these songs so people can listen to them. Anyways, I did some curlups and pushups and a bit of weightlifting. Yes, all in a short song. I'm a weakling so far, guys. Plus, I did everything to the tempo of the music. All of my stuff is pretty fast paced or has fast paced sections.
Lastly, for the cool down, and this is a terrible song for cool down, let me tell you... Shots by LMFAO. Now, why is this a terrible song for cool downs? Because it's too fast paced. I started my "cool down" doing jumping jacks because if there's any exercise Shots is great for... Jumping Jacks would DEFINITELY be one of them! Yeah, so jumping jacks, stretching, and random dancing. My cool down wasn't very cool downish...
I'll see you all tomorrow for the next round of exercise!
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It's going to be in the morning, right after I get up.
Today's exercise was a shorter one, because I literally just laid there in bed for an hour and a half trying to make my mind work better. Twas a rough morning. I think I might be allergic to my cats.
So for the warm-up I used the song "I gotta feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas. It was just a lot of stretching and jogging, with some movement to the music. The point of a warm-up is to get you limber and so that's what I was.
For the main exercise the song "Titanium" by David Guetta was the soundtrack. I think starting tomorrow I'll link the Vevo Videos of these songs so people can listen to them. Anyways, I did some curlups and pushups and a bit of weightlifting. Yes, all in a short song. I'm a weakling so far, guys. Plus, I did everything to the tempo of the music. All of my stuff is pretty fast paced or has fast paced sections.
Lastly, for the cool down, and this is a terrible song for cool down, let me tell you... Shots by LMFAO. Now, why is this a terrible song for cool downs? Because it's too fast paced. I started my "cool down" doing jumping jacks because if there's any exercise Shots is great for... Jumping Jacks would DEFINITELY be one of them! Yeah, so jumping jacks, stretching, and random dancing. My cool down wasn't very cool downish...
I'll see you all tomorrow for the next round of exercise!
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Sunday, February 9, 2014
2-9-14 Morning Work Out
So, all of you work out enthusiasts and also you people that don't really enjoy it all that much but are looking at my blog, I did my exercise this morning!
My warm-up involved a lot of fast walks and stretches to the music "Magic System - Zouglou Dance" and "The Macarena!" Music always helps keep you going when exercising.
My core exercising involved jumping. I jumped up and down, side to side, and front to back. It's a lot harder than it sounds, so I had to do side to side steps to the music whenever I got exhausted. Speaking of which, the music I listened to for the jumping and stepping was Pitbull's "Timber."
After that I did some pushups and curlups to the song Brokenhearted by Karmin!
Lastly, and you always need to remember to do this, my cooldown was to 1,2 step by Ciara. Mostly light walking, but with a few added 1,2 steps.
That's it for this morning and I hope to remember to do and post something in the afternoon! Love you guys!
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My warm-up involved a lot of fast walks and stretches to the music "Magic System - Zouglou Dance" and "The Macarena!" Music always helps keep you going when exercising.
My core exercising involved jumping. I jumped up and down, side to side, and front to back. It's a lot harder than it sounds, so I had to do side to side steps to the music whenever I got exhausted. Speaking of which, the music I listened to for the jumping and stepping was Pitbull's "Timber."
After that I did some pushups and curlups to the song Brokenhearted by Karmin!
Lastly, and you always need to remember to do this, my cooldown was to 1,2 step by Ciara. Mostly light walking, but with a few added 1,2 steps.
That's it for this morning and I hope to remember to do and post something in the afternoon! Love you guys!
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Monday, February 3, 2014
2-3-14 Sore Throat
Whelp. Guess who was having trouble talking this morning? This is an example of a reason why one should adhere to a good sleep schedule... especially when they are already having problems. Sore throat, runny nose, and a weaker body.I'm giving myself the "sick" clearance. If I feel better later I'll do the evening exercise, though it won't be anything impressive.
And again with the freelance. Don't worry guys, eventually I'll get this right!Groundhog's Day Post!
Firstly, I'd like to with you all a super superb Groundhog's Day!
More winter for everyone!
I, personally, am not the biggest fan of winter but I still need to teach my boyfriend how to make a snowman so I guess it can stay for a little bit.
Now! Exercises!
This morning I started off with a warm-up where I did a bit of walking, stretching, and super light jogging. It was just the right amount to start up my heart rate and get my muscles ready for work!
I moved on to the main body of my exercise. Because I've been slacking off I started off with some cardio. A minute of hard jogging, a minute of walking, intertwined until I had 6 minutes done. Then I moved on to curlups and weightlifting.
I don't know how many curlups I did because I was checking my texts as I did them. I do know, however, I was checking my texts for about 1 to 2 minutes so I assume I did somewhere between 25 and 40 curlups.
Lastly, I did walking and a bit of bending over my exercise ball to ease my muscles back to a relaxed state.
I worked up a sweat this morning and for me that's all that matters!
More winter for everyone!
I, personally, am not the biggest fan of winter but I still need to teach my boyfriend how to make a snowman so I guess it can stay for a little bit.
Now! Exercises!
This morning I started off with a warm-up where I did a bit of walking, stretching, and super light jogging. It was just the right amount to start up my heart rate and get my muscles ready for work!
I moved on to the main body of my exercise. Because I've been slacking off I started off with some cardio. A minute of hard jogging, a minute of walking, intertwined until I had 6 minutes done. Then I moved on to curlups and weightlifting.
I don't know how many curlups I did because I was checking my texts as I did them. I do know, however, I was checking my texts for about 1 to 2 minutes so I assume I did somewhere between 25 and 40 curlups.
Lastly, I did walking and a bit of bending over my exercise ball to ease my muscles back to a relaxed state.
I worked up a sweat this morning and for me that's all that matters!
I didn't do these! You wanna know why? I took on more than I could handle again with freelance, so my day began to suffer. Let's put it this way... It's 4am and I'm still awake. I'll work on that... lol
Friday, January 31, 2014
1-30-14 part two and 1-31-14 part one
Whelp, so yesterday night I honestly did not do much. I'm working on it guys! I swear >.>
However, this morning not only did I do a little bit of jogging, but I found two fitness personal trainer certification places that sounded absolutely wonderful.
There was Ace and then the AFAA. I found them through looking at what other people did and then checking out the websites myself!
Just gotta finalize my choice and then save up about $500!
However, this morning not only did I do a little bit of jogging, but I found two fitness personal trainer certification places that sounded absolutely wonderful.
There was Ace and then the AFAA. I found them through looking at what other people did and then checking out the websites myself!
Just gotta finalize my choice and then save up about $500!
Thursday, January 30, 2014
1-30-14 part one
Whelp, I only did some curlups earlier, but here's a commentary on that:
Sinus infection.
While that sounds like a silly reason, have you ever had one? It actually knocks you down. I'm actually proud of myself for just doing some curlups. I got a slight burn and that's what matters to me when I'm not feeling well.
That's my thing. is I'm trying.
It's not to tell myself I suck for missing a day, it's for congratulating for what I've actually done.
Sinus infection.
While that sounds like a silly reason, have you ever had one? It actually knocks you down. I'm actually proud of myself for just doing some curlups. I got a slight burn and that's what matters to me when I'm not feeling well.
That's my thing. is I'm trying.
It's not to tell myself I suck for missing a day, it's for congratulating for what I've actually done.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
So for the past two days I've been learning a bit of Arnis, also known as Kali and Eskrima. It's a filipino stick fighting martial art and it's very fun. So far I know all the basic strikes and one defense. I'll soon be learning more of it.
That's all the update for today because I'm lame.
That's all the update for today because I'm lame.
Monday, January 20, 2014
Restarting with Pizzazz!
11:00 am
So this week for my 52 resolutions my mom chose out the card for me "I will relearn soo bahk do or do another self defense." What a great way to restart my exercising! As you all know, I do exercises twice a day, so for this restart, this morning won't be the self defense.
I haven't even chosen what self defense I want to do actually.
And since I'm being lazy, I'm going to make myself run outside in the cold! Huzzah!
Update @ 11:55am
I did a quick jog and ended up doing 4 pushups and a couple minutes of jumping jacks.
While that sounds pretty chill the amount of muscular atrophy I had over the time of not exercising caused it to seem like much more. Besides, the time spent jogging does not equal the exertion of said jogging, which you should all find out fairly quickly.
To see more from me visit my two other blogs: Alexesque and Alex's Journey
So this week for my 52 resolutions my mom chose out the card for me "I will relearn soo bahk do or do another self defense." What a great way to restart my exercising! As you all know, I do exercises twice a day, so for this restart, this morning won't be the self defense.
I haven't even chosen what self defense I want to do actually.
And since I'm being lazy, I'm going to make myself run outside in the cold! Huzzah!
Update @ 11:55am
I did a quick jog and ended up doing 4 pushups and a couple minutes of jumping jacks.
While that sounds pretty chill the amount of muscular atrophy I had over the time of not exercising caused it to seem like much more. Besides, the time spent jogging does not equal the exertion of said jogging, which you should all find out fairly quickly.
To see more from me visit my two other blogs: Alexesque and Alex's Journey
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