I've been continuing my 25 curlups, jogging and half-pushups every morning before I do anything. It's been pretty helpful for my self-confidence because I've noticed a slightly firmer stomach after a week.
I need to look up how to do a proper pushup though. I'll continue using the half-pushup but I need to know how to do it correctly. Otherwise I could injure myself later on.

I managed to get a couple glasses of water in almost every day, but that wasn't cutting it.
You should aim to get as many ounces in your body as half your weight. More if you do work or exercise that makes you sweat. I technically need to get about 57 ounces per day. I was getting maybe 16.
My water bottle holds 24 ounces of water. If I drink even one of those a day, I'm already better off than I was.
That's what I've started doing. I hope to gradually increase the amount of water I drink each day so that eventually I will consume at least 60 oz a day total.
Now, the reason this is such a thing is because Hydration is very important. If you do not get enough water, you can become severely dehydrated.
Dehydration can cause some of the following symptoms:
- Headaches. Dehydration is one of the leading causes of headaches, right next to sleep deprivation. A lot of times people feel instantly better after taking an NSAID, but that's not because of the pain reliever, which takes about 15 or more minutes to begin working. The relief comes from the liquid you use to take the pill. It is a sign you need to increase your water intake.
- Dizziness. That's right, that annoying feeling you have that you aren't steady even though you're sitting down? That can be from not having enough water. In fact, confusion is also a symptom. If you're taking a test, those two symptoms are reason enough to hydrate beforehand and bring a water bottle with you if you can.
- Constipation. This one seems kind of obvious, but a lot of people don't even notice when they are constipated because it may take form as aches and pains in your lower abdominal region and only will make it seem like you just don't need to go that much. In all honesty, you could be severely backed up. This lessens appetite and leads to many other problems. You need to drink up.
Those are just three reasons to hydrate. There are many more signs and symptoms including irritability and fatigue. Now, some positive effects of being properly hydrated include:
- More Energy - Even though it has no calories, it boosts your body's energy by replenishing the water that makes up nearly 60% of your composition.
- Weight Loss - When your body is dehydrated, your cells hoard water. Because of that fluid retention, you gain weight. When you are hydrated, that water is released. Water also helps keep your food intake in check by reducing your hunger and filling your stomach.
- Better Physical Performance - When doing an athletic activity, you lose a lot of water through sweat. Losing even 2% starts to make a large difference in your ability to continue and thrive in that activity. By drinking water, you stay at an optimal level.
- Higher Cognitive Performance - Dehydration causes a wild assortment of disruptions in mental function. Hydration ensures that your mind works at its peak. It is not just dizziness and confusion that occurs, but it can also effect your ability to perform mathematical calculations and your visual perception.
- Glowing Skin - If none of the above was enough to get you on the hydration bandwagon, maybe this will. By drinking water, you are also hydrating your skin. The more you drink, the healthier and more beautiful your skin will look AND feel.
With Love,
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