Saturday, March 8, 2014

3/8/14 I Love Jumping Jacks

Today I stayed pretty simple because I took a little hiatus. 

I did The Basics. And because my room was a tad to messy, I did them downstairs!

Then I just started doing Jumping Jacks. I love them! I even remember enjoying them as a kid. Plyometrics are totally going to be my specialty. 

I even decided instead of doing exercise straightaway in the morning, because I don't want to wake up my older sister, i am choosing to do about 20 jumping jacks. 

This way I get my blood flowing quickly and quietly. :)


Saturday, March 1, 2014

3/1/14 even more confusion

Talk about confusion! Today also had a couple confusing exercises, but I did some of them correctly.

The exercise today involves the use of dumbbells, smaller are usually better for the magazine exercises because it makes sure that you can execute it correctly.

The first one I did correctly was the rotating sculptor. To do this one, you squat while raising one weight in the air and letting the other one hang down. Make sure you twist and look up at the one in the air. It kind of makes one resemble a windmill.

The second one I did correctly is the step off. This one was pretty fun to do. So in the rotating sculptor your arms created a vertical line. In this one, it will create a horizontal one. Basically you curtsy as you spread out your arms to the sides, still holding the weight.

The last correct one I did was the biceps balancer. It's a lunge where you bring the weights up to your chest. 

I also did The Basics, minus the curl ups. My sister is home so I couldn't exercise in the room because it squeaks too much so I went out into the living room and I don't like the floor there so I didn't do any lay or sit down style exercises.

I can't wait until the spring time when I get to exercise outside in the grass!