Monday, February 10, 2014

2-10-14 Exercise and Decision

So I haven't done twice daily for awhile, and seriously my schedule doesn't allow it. So for all of you that are like "whatever happened to sticking with your goals..." There are some goals that just don't fit sometimes. So instead I'm changing it to once daily, which is probably a lot better for me anyways.

It's going to be in the morning, right after I get up.

Today's exercise was a shorter one, because I literally just laid there in bed for an hour and a half trying to make my mind work better. Twas a rough morning. I think I might be allergic to my cats.

So for the warm-up I used the song "I gotta feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas. It was just a lot of stretching and jogging, with some movement to the music. The point of a warm-up is to get you limber and so that's what I was.

For the main exercise the song "Titanium" by David Guetta was the soundtrack. I think starting tomorrow I'll link the Vevo Videos of these songs so people can listen to them. Anyways, I did some curlups and pushups and a bit of weightlifting. Yes, all in a short song. I'm a weakling so far, guys. Plus, I did everything to the tempo of the music. All of my stuff is pretty fast paced or has fast paced sections.

Lastly, for the cool down, and this is a terrible song for cool down, let me tell you... Shots by LMFAO. Now, why is this a terrible song for cool downs? Because it's too fast paced. I started my "cool down" doing jumping jacks because if there's any exercise Shots is great for... Jumping Jacks would DEFINITELY be one of them! Yeah, so jumping jacks, stretching, and random dancing. My cool down wasn't very cool downish...

I'll see you all tomorrow for the next round of exercise!
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